
The television buzzed faintly in the corner of the dim living room, the kind of static-charged hum that made Phil’s teeth itch. On the screen, the anchorwoman struggled to maintain her composure, though the widening whites of her eyes betrayed her. “Scientists have confirmed that the mysterious dark comets hurtling through our solar system are fragments of Planet Nine—a failed planet long believed to be a myth. And—” she hesitated, swallowing visibly, “—its core is still intact. Worse, it’s heading directly for Earth. NASA has described it as... ‘a gravitational anomaly with a deliberate trajectory.’” Phil paused mid-sip of his flat soda, staring at the screen. “Deliberate trajectory? Did she just say this thing is aiming at us?” Across the room, Carter sat hunched over a stack of canned soup, meticulously arranging them by expiration date. “I think the bigger issue here,” Carter replied, without looking up, “is that there’s an entire planet core about to hit us. The aim part is....